Tuesday, February 18, 2025
HomeHealth5-Tips for a strong and healthy pelvic

5-Tips for a strong and healthy pelvic

The pelvic floor is a vital muscle set that supports the bladder, colon, rectum, and sexual organs. They help relax and contract the bladder and rectum, and contract during sex.

Maintaining good pelvic health is critical. Too loose or tight muscles can cause issues like urinary leakage, bowel leakage, and pelvic organ prolapse.

Here are some tips for strengthening your pelvis.

Avoid from constipation

Constipation is a common symptom of pelvic floor disorder (PFD) as it affects the coordination of the pelvic floor, potentially leading to muscle dysfunction or organ prolapse.

Chronic constipation can also cause PFD, so avoiding it can be achieved through regular exercise, a balanced diet, and a healthy lifestyle.

Practice the correct posture.

Maintaining the correct posture is vital for the health of your pelvic floor, which works with other core muscle groups. Unbalanced body posture can cause imbalances in the pelvic floor, leading to issues.

Aim for flat lower abs with a slight curve off the floor to maintain a neutral spine. Also, avoid positions that exaggerate tilting too far out or in.

Maintain a healthy weight.

While this is something that everyone should aim for, being overweight or obese might exacerbate pelvic floor difficulties in individuals who already have them. Increased pressure on the bladder and pelvic floor due to obesity can result in incontinence or even prolapse of the pelvic organs.

The additional weight on the pelvic floor can also weaken and strain the muscles.

Also, making existing problems worse or raising the risk of developing new ones if the tension continues.

The gastrointestinal symptoms associated with obesity, including diarrhoea, constipation, and stomach pain, can exert pressure on the anal muscles. This emphasizes the importance of implementing a comprehensive Rectal Condition Care Program to address these issues effectively.

Drink lots of water.

You may assume that drinking a lot of fluids would worsen rather than alleviate the symptoms of urine incontinence.

Restricting fluid intake can worsen your incontinence by making your bladder less capable.

Additionally, it can worsen pre-existing constipation, which is terrible news for your pelvic floor.

Thus, try to drink a lot of water and other liquids like milk, juice, or tea each day.

The current National Health Service (NHS) recommends six to eight glasses of liquids each day.

Avoid heavy lifting

Your pelvic floor muscles are strained when you lift enormous weights. Whether it’s at the gym or when you’re picking up your kid at home.

It is, therefore, best to avoid it if you have pelvic floor problems.

If you must lift something, it’s critical to tense your pelvic muscles before and during the movement to prevent additional harm.

When to Seek Treatment

Millions of people suffer from pelvic health problems, yet few of them seek treatment, which lowers their standard of living. Individuals with connective tissue problems, steroid dependency, multiple births, a history of pelvic radiation, and pelvic surgery, including prostate cancer surgery, are among those who are more susceptible to pelvic floor issues.

People at higher risk should have evaluations done early to preserve optimal pelvic floor health.